Would you like to achieve Upeka (pronounced Oopeka) :
Joint aches, fatigue, sleeplessness, anxiety are all signs that you are out of balance. Your body is talking to you...Listen.
When you achieve BALANCE is when wellness gets a jumpstart. When your parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest) and sympathetic nervous system (fight and flight) know when to activate and turn off is when you are in balance. Let me show you how…click on the following:
I am passionate about making you feel better or your best self. I specialize in creating personalized action plans and providing the necessary tools and resources to guide, support, and assist you in achieving your desired goals.
The essence of my work is to facilitate self-growth by education and to help you make lifestyle shifts and hold your hand in your journey to better health in body and mind.

Welcome to your journey to wellness

Full Body Systems and Digestive Intensive Graduate
Functional Nutrition Alliance
*CNFC (FxNA Certified Functional Nutrition Counselor)
INHC (Integrative Nutritional Health Coach)
RYT200 (Registered Yoga Teacher)
University of Western States (HNFM)
Currently working on Masters of Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine and Certified Nutrtion Certification (CNS)